- 글번호
- 86193
- 작성일
- 2022.12.15
- 수정일
- 2023.12.12
- 작성자 박알렉산드라
- 조회수
- 10397
Eligible applicants:
A person who plans to engage in a training or find a job in a field qualified for a visa of Professor(E-1), Foreign Language Instructor(E-2), Research(E-3), Technical Instructor/Technician(E-4), Professional(E-5), Artist/Athlete(E-6), and Foreign National of Special Ability(E-7) (The type of Job should be matched with the major)
A person with a total score of 60 or more with a basic item of 20 or more out of a total of 190 points according to the job search qualification score table(see attached file).
If there is a history of violating the Immigration Control Act within the last 5 years related to employment, such as illegal employment, violation of activities outside the scope of qualification, or violation of part-time employment while staying in Korea, application is not eligible.
First of all, students who want to apply for D10 have to make online reservation on hikorea website. (manual attached)
*SGCS office won't be able to print out your certificates.
Students must prepare documents themselves.
Required Document
1. 신청서 Application form (attached file)
2. 사진 A passport size photo with white background (3.5x4.5)
3. 여권 Passport + copy
4. 외국인등록증 Alien Registration Card + copy
5. 구직활동 계획서 Job seeking plan (attached file)
6. 수수료 Application Fee KRW 130,000
7. 졸업증 original DIPLOMA
8. 졸업증명서 certificate of graduation (print through certpia website)
9. 성적증명서 transcripts ( (print through certpia website)
10. 점수표 선택항목 해당 증빙자료 Score table.(attached file)
11. 은행잔고 증명서 Bank Statement ( KRW 4,500,000-5,000,000)
12. 체류지 입증서류 Copy of house contract
How to print out academic documents?
For more questions, please Contact Immigration office (1345) or visit International Office.